Prioritize Your Health with these 4 Pillars & Say Yes to Coaching!

Prioritizing your health should be easy, but it’s a struggle for most, right? And isn’t that odd? We eat, drink, sleep and breathe daily. Shouldn’t we be looking for ways to thrive in those categories? Looking for ways to optimize those levels so we can live a pain free, energized, confident and happy life? 

Now, I understand that the topic of nutrition, fitness and deep health can be overwhelming. When you combine those topics with working at your job, being present for your family and loved ones, it can all feel too much, like there’s not enough time in the day. It’s okay to feel that way, it’s natural. And guess what, you don’t have to spend hours, weeks, months or years researching those topics, that’s what coaches are for!

 I always find it interesting that when people are looking to improve their health, whether it’s lose weight or sleep better or learn how to properly feed themselves and make a plate, they think they should just Google it and go with whatever is fancy at that time, you know, whatever is the fad at that time. The quick fix is so ingrained in us these days. We have an abundance of technology at our fingertips where you can find answers and that is awesome. However, you can also find a lot of misinformation or answers that don’t serve you as well. Take it a step further, you can go down a complete rabbit hole that leaves you more confused than when you began. 

Your health is a serious topic and yet many people think a quick Google search will give them the answer they are looking for. That is not what you would do if you were an athlete, right? Or if you want to play a new sport or something. No! You would get a Coach. You would seek out someone to guide you, encourage you and push you to accomplish what deep down you know you can, but for some reason it’s always hard for us to see that in ourselves you know. That is what coaches are for.

When I coach clients, I like to go extremely in depth in order to best serve them and assist them in accomplishing their goals. For today, I wanted to off you four pillars that will assist you in strengthening your deep health.

Physical Movement

We need to move daily; it is what our bodies were designed to do. The more you move the better your organs work, the better your metabolism works, the more muscle mass you have and the better you are emotionally. Making it a personal goal to MOVE every day or a certain number of steps or distance every day is a wonderful habit to build.  If that is 8k or 10k or 12 k steps a day, do it and do it consistently.  Park far away when you go to the grocery store, walk around your house while you’re on the phone, run with your kids in the backyard or go for a walk. Going for a 30-45 min walk will not only help you reach your movement goals, but it will get you out into the sunshine (if during the day) for that vitamin D. Going for a simple walk can allow you to be at one with your thoughts and show some love to your brain, it’s truly magical.  For this pillar, I’m not saying you must push yourself to the limits for an hour in the gym every day. Try some lunges while you’re cooking dinner, jumping jacks while your coffee is brewing, butt kicks down the hall, whatever makes you smile. Don’t overcomplicate it, just move your body DAILY!


Hydration is extremely important for your overall health.  I’m not going to say a certain amount of water is necessary for every single person no matter what the circumstances because we are all different and live in different climates.  However, you need to make sure you are staying properly hydrated every day. A great way to check your levels is to make sure your urine is a pale to clearish yellow. This does not apply to your urine in the morning, because that will always be on the darker side since we dehydrate during the night. You will want to make sure that it’s not totally clear because that could be a sign of over hydration, which is a problem, but checking throughout the day and taking note of how much water you are drinking to maintain these levels will give you good idea for how much you personally need in order to stay properly hydrated.


Making sure you eat more whole foods than processed foods daily and mixing up the variety of your choices will set you up for optimal gut health and when your gut health is strong, your overall health is thriving.  Just practicing good nutrition for life and not a temporary fix, having that mindset daily and acting on it is a pillar that you need to master.


Proper sleep is vital to good health.  Making sure you are getting adequate sleep 7-8 hours helps your body reset at night.  It helps your digestion work efficiently and effectively. Sleep is also vital for your cognitive health, allowing your brain to rest and create more reserve. If you struggle to go to sleep, look into implementing a sleep ritual that serves you.  When you have a sleep ritual, it conditions your body to start winding down and makes the transition of going to sleep much smoother.

Sometimes the best way to accomplish your goals, no matter what they might be, is to break them up into small habits and start with the basics.  Know these habits like the back of your hand and master them EVERY DAY!  Then once you feel confident with the basics, you can start adding on other habits and steps towards your goals, whatever those may be. 

For example, if you wanted to be able to do a pushup with a clap in the air, you wouldn’t immediately try to do the exercise if you couldn’t perform a strong pushup from your feet to begin with. You would likely bust a lip or nose trying to go from zero to one hundred without mastering the basics.  First you would need to focus on your core strength with planks, making sure your entire cage is getting strong enough to support your body weight. The other basic you would want to build up is the ability to properly do a push up at all; starting from your knees in proper form with shoulders stacked over wrists until those become so easy for you that you can progress to pushups on your feet.  After focusing on strengthening your core and strengthening your pushup ability for a while, THEN you would be ready to start trying out a clap at the top.  Building habits this way focuses on the basics.

Often times people struggle to build these basics and stay consistent with them on their own. Most of the time we need that push, we need that accountability we need that information that we not only don’t have, but don’t have time to figure out and that is what Coaches are for.

If you find yourself aligning with anything mentioned so far and you would like some guidance, some accountability, some coaching in any aspect of your life, stop waiting and go out there and get it now!  Especially when it comes to your health and wellness.  Never let cost be a reason to not reach out.  There are so many options out there and most coaches will offer payment plans or certain deals so they can help you.  If price is something that stops people from reaching out for a coach, they should imagine the costs that will be coming down the road if they don’t start taking better care of their health now. Costs of doctor visits, costs of prescriptions, emotional costs of not being present or able to do the things you want to do in life. 

This life is short, and we should enjoy it and live it to the best of our abilities while we are here.  If you’re looking for some help with your nutrition or fitness, I have options for you and I coach remotely so geography does not matter.  If you want someone local to you, start searching in your area.  But please, refrain from googling the latest fad and jumping on that wagon without practicing your basics daily. I am willing to bet that if you start mastering your basics, soon you won’t be far from where you desire to be.

5 Health Tips for the Holidays

Happy Decemebr y’all! Well, I guess I’m a little late since it’s Decemebr 5th today, but hey, better late than never, right? :) With the festive season upon us, so are the parties, treats, drinks not to mention the shopping, hosting and other items that might add to your stress level. I wanted to help you out today by sharing my top 5 tips to keep you on track and present for the season. Stick to these babies and you won’t be setting yourself back when you wake up on January 1st.

5 healthy tips for the holiday season

If we don’t keep our health and happiness as a priority and say “I will start fresh in the new year”, then before you know it, you have multiple bad health habits to de-condition from when you open your eyes that morning, not to mention you most likely won’t be feeling your best.

So here are some tips to help you stay on track, stay energetic and joyful this holiday season!

So, you’ve been invited to a holiday party, AWESOME! Go enjoy yourself at the party! However, before you go make sure you know what food will be there. Is it something in line with what you eat? Is there enough or should you bring more so you don’t get hangry and make questionable choices? Especially for all my vegan and vegetarian peeps, empower yourself by finding out the options and then make sure you are covered!

Make sure your meals and plates are set appropriately this season and all the time! When we fuel our bodies correctly and give it what it needs, our blood sugar wont tank and we will be less likely to reach for the sweetest and most sugar filled item that we see. Don’t get me wrong, these are fine once in a while, but if your body isn’t fueled properly, you will be reaching for those sweet treats and not be able to stop!

Hydration is crazy important you guys! You want that metabolism firing off all the time and especially this time of the year. You will feel better, sleep better and have more energy if you sip that H2O.

I’m not just talking about shopping here ;) By moving your body every day for at least 30 minutes and getting your heart rate up you are helping your organs continue to function better, your cognitive health to continue to thrive, your metabolism to burn and your mental health to be in a poisitve space. There’s no excuse! You can even break it up with 15 minutes in the morning and 15 in the afternoon.

It’s totally easier said than done, but it you can manage your stress this time of year especially, you will not only be happier, but it will help you not fall to the temptation of overdoing the drinks and eats. Plus, the more stress you have in your body, the more cortisol it creates and that means extra fat around that midsection. So if the above ideas don’t work, try watching a feel good holiday movie and sipping tea!

Don’t forget that I’m always here! So, if you’re looking to harness your healthy habits now or in the new year, reach out to me! I currently have openings for both nutrition and training (in-person and virtual) clients!

Let's Shift our Focus

Imagine the impact it would have, not only on your own health, but for the collective, if we shifted our fixation on what size we wore or how much we weighed towards our deep health including our inflammation, blood pressure, body fat percentage to muscle mass, lowering our insulin resistance (if that’s an issue for you), how we manage stress, gut health and MORE! I spoke about this recently on Instagram during a “Car Chat”, but wanted to dive in a little deeper on here.

Being a female in this society, I was inundated at a very young age on what the “perfect” weight and size were. From magazines in the grocery store line that promise to show your how to “lose 20lbs FAST” or” lose two dress sizes in two weeks” (not healthy by the way) or hot topics on news programs sharing the latest “health tip” that’s really just a band aid, not a real fix, we are CONSTANTLY told that those two things are what determine our health. This couldn’t be farther from the truth!

Of course being at a healthy weight for your body is always best so it doesn’t put extra stress on your joints and organs, but doing whatever it takes to get there and just fixating on the number is not healthy. Most times, when you enter with that energy and neglect to learn the habits or make the changes necessary to improve your overall health, the weight loss or new dress size wont stick.

I always encourage my clients to focus on their nutrition habits and how they are managing stress. How are you fueling your body, with what and when? How are you feeling when you are doing that? What might be causing inflammation in your body (nutrition wise, stress wise or both) and let’s address it so we can lower it. Are you insulin resistant? If so, let’s learn the habits and make the changes necessary to turn that around. Let’s improve and strengthen your gut health so your brain, body and emotions can all thrive on the levels they are meant to! I remind my clients to lift heavy, strength train, move their bodies often and with joy!

By focusing on these items and slowly making the changes and building the habits necessary to improve your health you WILL reach your desired weight goal that is best for your body. However, you will do it in a way that actually sticks! It all works itself out when we focus on our DEEP HEALTH and not only leads to a healthier life, but a happier one because you are loving and honoring yourself.

What a Vegan Eats in a Day

I often get asked to explain exactly what I eat in a day. I honestly think it’s odd how much it confuses people to take meat and dairy out of their diet, but I will put that aside and share a snapshot into what I eat in a day. My hopes for this post is to show you how uncomplicated and delicious it can be to be vegan.

No one really cares how much protein you acquire throughout the day until you tell them you’re vegan or vegetarian. Once they hear that you leave animals and animal products off your plate, you’re like a 1,000 piece puzzle that they MUST figure out.

I don’t always go through my day logging my food and macros, but I definitely recommend it to some clients so they can make sure their getting enough protein and balancing their carbs and fat keeping everything is in harmony and on track. I especially keep an eye on it currently since I am breastfeeding and I want to make sure I’m supporting myself and my baby as much as possible. I typically aim for 120-160 grams of protein a day.

Tofu Scramble

BREAKFAST : Tofu Scramble

This is a wonderful breakfast option that makes enough for two! I take a block of firm tofu (no need to drain) and crumble it up. Next add it to a hot pan and while you are cooking it, mix in 2-4 cups of baby spinach, 1/2 cup of Nutritional Yeast, salt and red pepper flakes. If you’re new to vegan nutrition or curious about it, you can’t miss out on the magic of Nutritional Yeast! This item provides SO many vitamins, B12 specifically, and gives your dishes a nice cheesy flavor. Um, yes please!

Vegan Chocolate Protein Shake

SNACK: Chocolate & Banana Protein Shake

This shake tastes like desert and is PACKED with protein. I have one every day (not always with the banana though). I mix 2 scoops of Arbonne Chocolate Pea Protein powder (packed with 35 vitamins and minerals as well), 1/2 a banana, 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed and a tablespoon of sunflower butter. You can mix all the goodness in a blender with water or with a plant based milk like Ripple for an extra 8 grams of protein! I love to add flaxseed to at least one shake a day because of the Omega 3 benefits.

Vegan Lunch Option

LUNCH: Loaded Salad

For lunches I typically like to play a game with myself called “How Many Veggies Can I Have” haha. My Grandma always said the more colorful the plate, the more nutritious and she wasn’t wrong. This salad has romaine, arugula, cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, red cabbage, vegan soy based protein and for the dressing I love to use a tablespoon or two of hummus and a squeeze of lemon! The cream and crunch affect of the salad really satisfies the senses.

Snack #2: Not pictured, but I typically have about 1/4 cup or handful of almonds. I love almonds cause they’re packed with protein, healthy fats and are known to help with stress and anxiety. I’ll take help wherever I can get it! :)

sesame tofu

DINNER: Sesame Tofu Stir-fry

I absolutely love a good stir-fry! They are packed with flavor, veggies and there are no limits on creativity. For this one I just combined tofu, green beans, hemp seeds, sesame seeds and placed it all on a bed of carrots, cauliflower and celery instead of brown rice. Simple delicious! You want to make sure when you’re making meals like this to opt for Firm or Extra Firm Tofu so it will hold it’s shape and be enjoyable.

So that covers a sample day for me and what I might eat. Along with all of these veggies and plant based proteins, I of course aim to also have close to a gallon of water a day. If you’re looking into becoming vegan or want to start trying to incorporate more plant based meals into your weekly meals, go for it! I know of so many amazing recipes to sub for ones that generally call for meat in case you ever need recommendations. You can also always just aim for as many veggies on your plate as you can with a palm size of vegan protein like tofu, seitan, etc., a thumb size amount of healthy fat and a cupped hand amount of a complex carb like brown rice or ancient grain like quinoa. No need to overthink it.

Signs of Emotional Hunger

Emotional hunger is real and is one of the top issues the majority of my clients come to me with. Most of the time people are completely unaware that they are in fact giving in to their emotions when choosing their food, but emotional hunger is real and will severely hinder your journey to a long and healthy life.

So you might be asking yourself right now, what is emotional hunger? Simply put, it’s when you allow your emotions and mind to control your eating rather than tuning into your body and giving it what it needs, when it needs it. The image below shows the top signs of emotional hunger.

signs of emotional hunger.PNG

People typically feel worse than before after giving into this form of hunger, which is never good. As a Nutrition Coach, Personal Trainer and Woman who has seen so many people battle with food, I’m here to scream from the rooftops that you should NEVER feel guilt or shame around food! So for your mental health and physical health, don’t fall victim to emotional hunger.

One of the top reasons people tend to give into emotional hunger is due to stress and anxiety. Finding ways to calm your mind and body will help you not only be more connected to yourself overall, but also be able to slow down and distinguish between your hunger cues.

Try these suggestions out:


Moving your body is proven to release endorphins making you happier overall and less stressed. So go for a walk or a run, try yoga, boxing or lifting weights; anything that makes your heart happy and gets your blood pumping.

Food Journal

I often times recommend my clients to keep a food journal. This journal is not just to track your calories, it’s to track what you are eating and how you are FEELING when you are eating it. Doing this allows you to tune into your body and gain more control over your nutrition.


If you know me, you know I am a HUGE advocate for meditation!!! This practice calms your mind, connects you to your breath and body and is proven to have numerous health benefits, lowering stress being one of the largest benefits. If this scares you, try it just for 5 minutes a day!

Be Kind to Yourself

This world lately and our society does not make self love easy. With the comparisons on social media, the expectations we feel we must rise to in order to be “seen” or the pressure we place on ourselves to “succeed” by other peoples definitions, is all enough to make you want to crawl in a hole. DON’T DO IT! Love yourself, embrace the amazing soul you are and speak kindly to yourself. When you practice self love and positive self talk you are more likely to stick to healthy habits that honor you.

Overall, slow down, tune in, pay attention to how you are honestly feeling and when your body is telling you it is truly hungry, honor that request by feeding it something that will serve you.

Pregnancy TRX Workout

Today I wanted to share a Pregnancy Workout that can be done during any trimester. Of course, with any fitness regimen during pregnancy, always consult with your doctor before you start something new to make sure it is safe for you and the baby.

I know it can be tempting to succumb to the low energy levels or discomfort you might have during pregnancy, but there are SO many benefits to staying active! Keeping a consistent workout routine during pregnancy can prevent excess weight gain, help ease discomfort, help increase energy and boost your mood and especially help you maintain your strength and endurance. Trust me, you will want your muscles, endurance and energy when that baby arrives!

The stronger you can stay while creating that little miracle, the less likely you will be to have the back pain, hip pain, weak core and other occurrences that happen to women once they have a baby.


I am a huge fan of TRX training at all times, but especially during pregnancy. The bands allow you to do moves that otherwise might be challenging due to balance or belly size :) . I’m also a fan of TRX training because it can be mobile! You can attach the equipment to your weight rack, a tree or anything else that is at least six feet tall and stable. I personally attach mine to my PRX Weight Rack and it works perfectly, very stable and secure.

Pregnancy TRX Workout

3-4 Rounds and 12-15 reps per move

Circuit 1 - Lower Body

TRX Basic Squat

TRX Plie Squat to a Calf Raise

TRX Sumo Squat

Circuit 2 - Upper Body

TRX Bicep Curls

TRX Wide Rows

TRX Pushups

TRX Triceps Extensions

TRX Squat: Keep your feet about hip width apart to make room for your belly.  You are going to keep all the weight in your heels, sitting as low as you can really squeezing your glutes and hamstrings as you return to full standing.

TRX Squat: Keep your feet about hip width apart to make room for your belly. You are going to keep all the weight in your heels, sitting as low as you can really squeezing your glutes and hamstrings as you return to full standing.

TRX Plie Squat to Calf Raise: Keep feet wider than hip width and point toes out.  Once you have squatted down as low as you can go, plie up on your toes and hold it for 2-3 seconds.  Next, place heels back on the ground and push through them, squeezing your inner thighs as you return to standing.

TRX Plie Squat to Calf Raise: Keep feet wider than hip width and point toes out. Once you have squatted down as low as you can go, plie up on your toes and hold it for 2-3 seconds. Next, place heels back on the ground and push through them, squeezing your inner thighs as you return to standing.

TRX Sumo Squat: Place feet slightly wider than hip width and turn toes slightly out.  Squat straight down and as you return to standing, press through the heels and squeeze your inner thighs.

TRX Sumo Squat: Place feet slightly wider than hip width and turn toes slightly out. Squat straight down and as you return to standing, press through the heels and squeeze your inner thighs.

TRX Bicep Curls: Grip the TRX from below and position yourself at an angel beneath the bands.  Once you are ready, curl your biceps to get you up to a fully standing position.  Then go back to the beginning and put on repeat.

TRX Bicep Curls: Grip the TRX from below and position yourself at an angel beneath the bands. Once you are ready, curl your biceps to get you up to a fully standing position. Then go back to the beginning and put on repeat.

TRX Wide Row: Similar to the bicep position, you will begin fully extended out and at an extreme slanted angle.  Pull yourself up, squeezing your shoulder blades onto each other and rowing up to your chest, then repeat for rep count.

TRX Wide Row: Similar to the bicep position, you will begin fully extended out and at an extreme slanted angle. Pull yourself up, squeezing your shoulder blades onto each other and rowing up to your chest, then repeat for rep count.

TRX Wide Row: Here is the Wide Row again from a front angle.

TRX Wide Row: Here is the Wide Row again from a front angle.

TRX Push Up:  While standing on your toes and placing hands on the TRX handles, lean forward.  Next you will lower your body as low as you can go while keeping your body in a straight line. Finally you will push yourself back up to starting position while keeping your body straight, no buckling.

TRX Push Up: While standing on your toes and placing hands on the TRX handles, lean forward. Next you will lower your body as low as you can go while keeping your body in a straight line. Finally you will push yourself back up to starting position while keeping your body straight, no buckling.

TRX Triceps Extension: Similar to the pushup starting position, slant your body forward with arms extended out in front of you and hands at head level.  Net you will ONLY bend your elbows to bring your forehead to your hands and then squeeze your triceps as you extend back to starting position.

TRX Triceps Extension: Similar to the pushup starting position, slant your body forward with arms extended out in front of you and hands at head level. Net you will ONLY bend your elbows to bring your forehead to your hands and then squeeze your triceps as you extend back to starting position.

TRX Tricep Extension Close Up.jpg

If you are in your first or second trimester, feel free to take these circuits up a notch by adding in squat jumps to the squats or higher reps where you feel is appropriate.

If Not Now, Then When?

If not now, then when? 

When will you be “ready” to improve your nutrition or physical health? When will you be “ready” to make necessary changes towards fulfilling your dreams? 


If those dreams are to:

*Play with your kids without getting exhausted

*Lower blood pressure or get control of your diabetes so you can be around longer for those who love you

*Feel amazing when you get dressed to go out somewhere

*Conquer voices in your head causing unhealthy relationships with food

*Gain strength and see toned muscles

*Feel incredible from the inside out

*Insert your dream here*

When will you be ready? Well, I’m here to tell you, never. There will never be the perfect time, the easiest time, the most convenient time, because we are human beings and life is filled with unpredictability. 

The good news is, NOW is always the best time to start! All you have to do is take the first step. Even better news, I am here to help you and support you the entire way! I currently have four spots open for my Nutrition Coaching, Personal Training or a Combo of both! Please reach out today if you are struggling to get started or have questions. I offer a FREE 30 minute virtual consultation. ️

Are You Meditating Daily?

Are you meditating daily? Have you ever tried to meditate? I know you are busy and life is crazy, I mean 2020 and 2021 so far, have been far from easy. However, that is exactly why I wanted to reach out today to chat about not only all the benefits of meditation, but the different ways you can mediate as well to see if you find something that fits you. Meditation helps you to become mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable.


I am fully aware that when some people hear the word meditation, they think you can only do it if you’re in a spiritual temple in Bali somewhere or if you are already a calm person who can focus easily. I’m hear to tell you that neither of those thoughts are correct. I mean sure, I would love nothing more than to go on a spiritual journey rooted in meditation in Bali, but for the time being, my living room or my garage gym work exceptionally well for me and my daily life!

First, let me share with you the benefits of meditation:

Relieve Stress

Manage Anxiety

Reduce Inflammation

Lower Blood Pressure

Improve  Memory

Ease Signs of Depression

And so much more!! You can dig in deep to how those items are helped with meditation by visiting the article here.

Personally, I was introduced to meditation when I was in middle school via my Unitarian Church. I cannot tell you the impact it had on me. I struggled massively with my temper and anxiety. Once I learned how to meditate and I was able to practice daily, I noticed such relief in my life. My only regret with the practice is that I took a break from it off and on for years. You know the drill, life gets crazy, things change and you forget to put your mental and spiritual health first.

I’m not going to lie, it takes commitment to stick to the things that benefit you physically and mentally. It takes commitment to put yourself first; in self care, your workouts and your nutrition. One of my passions in life is not only reminding people that they ARE WORTH IT, but that they can also do it! Plus, I’m always here to be their cheerleader for you.

Did you know that there is not just one way to meditate? There are actually nine ways you can practice!

1) Mindfulness Mediation

2) Spiritual Meditation

3) Focused Meditation

4) Movement Meditation (sometimes I use my workouts or my walks for my daily meditation)

5) Mantra Meditation

6) Transcendental Meditation

7) Progressive Relaxation

8) Loving-Kindness Meditation

9) Visualization Meditation

Go ahead and click here to read a little deeper on how each of these styles work.

So if you’re struggling with stress, anxiety, health issues, memory, etc., try out some mediation. There are so many apps or videos out there for you to try. You can start small at 5 minutes a day and then slowly increase your time by 5 minutes until you are meditating for a good 30 minutes every day. Most importantly, find what works best for you and your lifestyle!

And of course, if you ever have any questions or would like some guidance, I am always here to help!